Stagecast talks about Evedo

Stagecast is a fan engagement and brand activation platform, helping event marketers create meaningful interactions with fans and new sponsoring opportunities for event partners. Here’s what they had to say about us and our future work together:

“Modern event organizers understand that engaging digitally with audiences pre, post and during events matters and can present significantly increased user experience as well as up-sell opportunities in merchandise, food and beverage. Increased digital engagement is also key for attracting outside sponsorship from brands to events. Evedo brings the opportunities of blockchain to the event industry, helping event organizers profit from digitization and run their operations more smoothly. We are both in the forefront of technology in the events industry, both helping to propel events into the future and guiding them in finding the right ways how digitization can help them accelerate their business and product offer. There is a big potential for synergies between Evedo and Stagecast in the future that our clients will profit from.”

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