Evedo partners with NEXT BLOCK SOFIA 2.0

Krypton Events are one of Evedo’s early adopters. NEXT BLOCK SOFIA 2.0 is the second event organised by Krypton events in Sofia.

We are incredibly happy to share with you that Evedo will partner with Krypton Events for their second edition of Next Block Sofia 2.o. Our platform will partner with KRYPTON for this great community building event that will be taking place on the 12th of April.

You can easily check it here and get more info on the early bird tickets!


What is Next Block Conference

Next Block Sofia focuses on gathering together blockchain executives, opinion leaders, top-tier investors and people working and developing the latest blockchain technology.

Fruitful discussions and in-depth networking are both essential for buiding connections.

The latest iteration of NEXT BLOCK Sofia 2.0 will address critical questions around the expected rise of security tokens, hurdles towards crypto’s mass adoption and the future of blockchain technology as we head into 2019.

Krypton Events are one of our very first early adopters

Back in October last year we had the chance to build an amazing connection with the team of Next Block. As we invited them for a chat in our Sofia based office we realised that working together and partnering to grow both of our platforms will be beneficial for both sides.

And this is how we added them in our early adopters portfolio which is currently growing! (Check our article on ILMTechno). When out platform is ready they will be one of the first event companies to use the features of our decentralised blockckchain events ecosystem.

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